The Cinemela Collectives thank the audience, the well-wishers and the filmmakers who contributed to the success of the 3rd edition of Cinemela Film Festival. We are grateful to School of Arts & Aesthetics (Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi), JNU Students' Union and Amnesty International India for their valueable support. We also thank PETA India, Dearcinema.com, Sa-Dhan (New Delhi) and the second floor (Karachi, Pakistan) for their solidarity with the festival.
We ressolve to take forward the festival with more and more films of young filmmakers alongwith the films of senior filmmakers and good cinema by the masters.
We request for support and participation of all cine-lovers, organisations and institutions.
We ressolve to take forward the festival with more and more films of young filmmakers alongwith the films of senior filmmakers and good cinema by the masters.
We request for support and participation of all cine-lovers, organisations and institutions.